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Monday, December 29, 2008

So long 2008!

As I am typing this post, I am still in denial that Christmas came and went, we are gearing up for New Year's and 2009 is just around the corner.....oh and I am nearing the end of my pregnancy!! I can't believe that I am just about 35 weeks and have a little more than one month until my due date. I have been feeling great and definitely enjoying this week off to do some things around the house, play with Max and just relax. Matt and I have been prepping the nursery and are really getting excited to meet Jack. I go back to the doctor on Friday, we are meeting with our pediatrician next Thursday (my birthday!) and my Helms baby shower is next Sunday! My students gave me a surprise shower last Tuesday and it was wonderful! Each student gave me a picture book and then gave me a gift card and some cute little outfits. I was truly touched, and am really starting to miss them, even though I still have three more weeks of work.
I also wanted to share some of the secrets of pregnancy that no one told me about that I wish I had known:
- it is near impossible to tie your shoes or put socks on without sitting down in the third trimester
- when you sneeze of cough (which I am doing a lot right now b/c i have a cold) I pee a litle bit...gross, but true!
- after going to the bathroom, you immediately feel that you still have to go.......went to the grocery store and jiffy lube today and had to use the bathroom 4 different times:(
- even though it is winter - dress in layers, because I get really hot or really cold very quickly!

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Harrisburg Baby Shower

Last weekend Matt and I traveled up to Harrisburg for our 2nd baby shower! My mom and sister made the trip too, and of course Max as well! It was a wonderful day - we got so many great gifts off our registry, some personal touches and just some gag gifts as well (a Redskins outfit)!! My in-laws outdid themselves and really do know how to throw a party! Thanks to everyone for all of the gifts and well wishes! Baby Jack knows his home-away-from-home is definitely in Harrisburg!
I also had another doctor's appointment this week. I am measuring just right and everything is looking good. I have gained a total of 35 pounds so far and I'm sure this week will really make me tip the scales!! I was hoping that we would get one more ultrasound to see our little peanut, but the doctor doesn't see the need to do that. We also talked about how much longer I am going to keep working. As of now, I will work up until two weeks before my due date - which will be January 23rd. CRAZY!??!?!?! Oh - Matt and I went to breastfeeding class too. It was pretty uneventful and Matt was keeping himself awake by playing with our baby doll that we had to bring and I was trying not laugh out loud.
We are heading up to Harrisburg on Tuesday night and will spend the holidays with the Staffaroni crew. Then we will head back down here to spend Christmas afternoon / night with my family and then the day after Christmas with the Helms crew! So much to do, but so worth it!! Happy Hanukkah!!

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Where has the time gone?

I can't believe that I am 31 weeks, Christmas is just around the corner, then my 28th birthday and then Jack Mason will grace us with his presence!! This weekend I was very productive - Matt and I decorated the house for the holidays, our Christmas cards are ready to be mailed out, I wrote my last grad school paper and I got a jump on buying xmas presents.
Right now, the baby weighs about 3.5 pounds, he is settling into periodic sleep cycles - even though they don’t always coincide with mine:) Also, all five senses are finally functional, and the brain and nervous system are going through major developments. We completed a three-week baby class and are going to be taking a breastfeeding class next week.
I am excited for this holiday season. I am feeling a bit overwhelmed by all of the love and support that Matt and I are constantly receiving from family and friends. The best present ever is to make sure that Jack stays right where he is and waits until February to show his cute, little face. So far, this pregnancy has been flawless and perfect......let's hope that last leg will stick to that pattern!

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