Hard to believe that Jack is already two months old. He is growing up so quickly! Some of his favorite things this month are staring at lights, an occasional smile, getting kisses from his Mom, Dad and Max and going to the mall with his Mom and Mommom!!

If you look carefully you will notice two things in this picture that almost gave me a heart attack. First, the cut on his face is from his fingernail. He is constantly scratching at his face and I knew one day he would draw blood....today was the lucky day! So, being a good mom, I decided to cut his fingernails. BIG MISTAKE....I ended up cutting one of his little nails too short and blood came gushing out. I mean gushing! Jack didn't even seem to notice - me - I was crying and freaking out at the same time. Rookie mistake...but the band-aid does look cute on his little hand:)